Your Ambassador,
Mike Bruny
From Andre Taylor (andretaylor.com)
I recently visited several colleges and
universities. These visits reminded me
of academia's focus on teaching the art
The old saying is true: "If you fail to
plan, you plan to fail," but I am struck
by how far apart sometimes theory is from
The business plan for example, is terra
firma at the university. However, most
successful entrepreneurs have nothing
resembling the dry,lengthy, boring, business
plans developed in school that gather dust
on book shelves never to be reviewed again.
Most entrepreneurs prefer marketing plans
as their key operating document but even
these are far different than plans developed
inside the classroom. For one, most are done
on yellow pads -- handwritten. And many
entrepreneurs don't realize the notes they
keep would be considered "marketing plans,"
at all.
With marketing being SO important for everyone
wanting success in this economy let me share
elements of a "Real-World Marketing Plan."
1. Describe your STRATEGY: List a few sentences
describing your strategy and tangible goals:
"Announce new health shake, build sales to
local business owners, college students, and
stay-at-home Moms. Add 100 new weekly customers."
2. List your TACTICS to get there: "Health Shake:
Circulate 'Buy One, Get One Free Coupon. Goal:
$1,000 in new revenue a week. Oatmeal Raisin
Cookies: Verbally offer wih every order at the
register. Goal: $400 in new revenue each week.
3. Create A CALENDAR: Identify what marketing
activities you'll do over time -- either
daily, weekly, or monthly. "JAN2010 -- New You
Eat Healthy promotion, FEB2010 --'Give Your Lover
A Cupcake' promotion..."
4. Define New TOOLS: List the new marketing tools
you're developing to support your activities.
Keep track of what it will cause to take
advantage of each tool.Put a date next to each.
"LOGO: MAR2010, WEBSITE: APR2010..."
5. New IDEAS/PRODUCTS: List your new ideas and products
in development. "Banana Muffins, Turkey Chili
Soup, Cranberry Chicken Salad..."
Got the point?
Make your marketing plan a short 2-page, "working
document" that'll be your daily guide to stay on
track. Refer to it daily. Keep it with you.
Other content typically described as important
to a marketing plan such as a competitive analysis
and all that "jazz" should be somewhere else.
A marketing plan is the answer to the question: "How am
I going to bring specific quantities of my product
or service, with a specific financial return to market?"
No matter what your business is, or where your business is
-- even if you have no business presently -- you can use
this thinking and marketing plan format to organize your
marketing approach.
I hope this helps you FLOURISH!
Until Next Time,
P.S. Need Coaching To Develop Your Marketing Plan?
Send me an email: info@andretaylor.com
(c)2009 André Taylor - Taylor Insight
André Taylor is an author, speaker, and consultant
teaching individuals and organizations how to lead
and win. He's an accomplished business leader with
diverse experience including executive positions on
Wall Street, leading the marketing activities of
multi-national organizations, and building successful
entrepreneurial companies. Clients for his leadership
development work include individuals, well-known
personalities, professionals,and many of the world's
most recognizable organizations. More at
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