Monday, November 16, 2009

The Leadership Conference Recap

Clark University Leadership Conference Recap

Last weekend, I had the honor of being part of the 7th Annual Millennium Leadership Conference at Clark University in Worcester, MA. The Conference was geared towards cultivating the inherent leadership qualities of ALANA college students. Over a 3 day period over 100 students from various colleges in MA came together to be part of the conference. The weekend included an opening activity on Friday night, ran by Ambassador Bruny, that focused on helping the students look at their stories and the lessons they could pull from what they have already experienced in life. They also began the process of listing their values; not in the traditional sense of looking at a list of words and choosing what they think is--or should be--important to them. Instead we used stories from times when they felt like they were on top of the world (Peak Moments / Best Self), times when they were upset or really bothered by a situation, (usually indicates something important to them is being stepped on) and we looked at words close friends and family would use to describe them. At the end we reviewed all they had gathered and searched for keywords they felt where at the essence of who they are.

I took the above approach for two reasons One, with the information they captured they now have a set of words they can use to help them make decisions,(e.g. If my essence shows that "structure/order" is something I value, I may think twice about taking a job that has a high level of ambiguity) and serve as building blocks for creating goals. Two, I believe on starting on the inside before you go and work on the outside. Picture your dream car and how beautiful it looks. If the engine is all messed up, you will not get very far. My goal was to help them work on their engines and get that in pristine condition so it can be in alignment with the beautiful paint job on the outside.

On Saturday we went through "7 Days of Hip Hop Affirmations to Change Your College Life." I have designed several "7 Day of Hip Hop Affirmations" workshops. One for High School, College and Quarter Lifers (post college aged to about 35yrs old). Each have a slightly different focus to help the target group get through the transitional stage of their life. I use a lyric from a hip hop artist, share a life story and lesson and we finish with a Question of the Day and Moves to Make. It was a great time!

There were several highlights for me including hearing some of the students share their stories and how they were doing what it takes to change their situations. They have a great understanding that, "where you start is not where you have to end up." When I shared my story about, the day I found out I was Haitian, a young man shared a similar story about denying his heritage for a long time until he realized it's where his roots are from and it is something to be proud of. He loved my line, "You can take an apple seed and plant it in an orange orchard, but that does not make it an orange." Powerful stuff! There was also, the young lady who shared her story about being in the army since she was 8yrs old. You are probably adjusting your glasses and thinking, "oh, she was an Army brat." "No," she was from a war torn country and was literally in her country's army since she was 8yrs old, boot camp and all--and you thought you had it rough. It brings a different perspective to what we call tough times. To hear this young lady share her story and see the strives she has made since coming to this country, was amazing.

Overall I had a great experience both as a facilitator and observer of the event. I definitely feel I helped to Move the Crowd!

Do you know a school who could benefit from having Ambassador Bruny pay them a visit? Let's talk.

Your Ambassador,

Group Shot
Opening Activity
My Haitian Peeps
Me and my Brooklyn Peeps

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