Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Transition from Winter to Spring

Happy Transition from Winter to Spring

It may not feel like it to many but Spring is here and we are leaving Winter behind. We do not have control over the transition but we do have control over how we handle and take advantage of it. Deciding to take responsibility for how we handle the transition may come in the form of preparation for the new things that are about to take place. We know new leaves will start to appear and new flowers bloom. We can take advantage of the transition by keeping our eye out for the new things that are about to come. I have heard Spring described as a time of new growth. A time when things start to make sense that may never have before. I’m hear to share a personal “ah hah” moment of my own.

As I work on building my Quarter Life Answers business with a focus on working with young adults 24-35yrs old there are times when I just don’t want to pick up the phone and try to explain to someone what the benefits of coaching or self-development are. I don’t want to have to try and tell someone that coaching is different from therapy (coaching is not focused on your past. I care about your present and your future). Those are all the things that I didn’t want to do. It speaks nothing to my purpose of helping people breathe easier through my work.

The new discovery for me was moving from selling to serving. How can I be of service to you? That discovery totally shifted the way I go about doing business. Instead of telling folks all of the great things I have to offer, I am more interested in learning about the challenges they need solved, and the places where they are not fulfilled. With that information and focus we can talk about possibly building a relationship that is mutually beneficial. I must say it feels good.

As you strive towards being the best you that you can be, take a look at the way you view things. Is there another way? Don’t forget that Spring is here and new things are on the way for you, if you are open to them. Just check out this excerpt from a recent email I received once I decided to but myself in service mode:

Hi Mike, I have some good news for you. We are now able to contract with "volunteers" who are interested in presenting workshops or facilitating Job clubs. We have begun to accept proposals for consideration of a variety of things.
If you would be interested in getting paid for your time you spend with the job club, I would be happy to consider your proposal. If you prefer to keep your time as voluntary, that is fine too. We want you either way. Regards,

A couple of things you can do to prepare for your Spring:
*Get rid of old stuff, both physically and mentally
*Be prepared and willing to accept new ideas, objects and people that are about to come to you
*Stretch and shake off the feeling of hibernation. (that season has pasted)

Your Ambassador,
Mike Bruny, CPCC
Certified Life Coach, Speaker, Author
Quarter Life Answers / Coming soon

Gone Digital:
Author of: "Move the Crowd: 30 Days of Hip Hop Affirmations To Change Your Life." / /

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