Monday, March 30, 2009

Change for the Better (excerpt from my book)
I'm not sure if it is the season or the economy, but I've been having a lot of conversations about change. I thought I would share an excerpt on change from my book, "Move the Crowd: 30 Days of Hip Hop Affirmations to Change Your Life." Enjoy.

Ah, yes, the only constant is change. No matter how much we try and fight it, change is inevitable. We have the option of being a force that tries to stop it, tries to lead it or tries to be a part of it. If you know better you should do better. Why do parents work so hard to give their children a better life? Why do individuals/ groups look for ways to elevate themselves and those around them? It is all to make a positive change; to have more, to be more, to give more.

In my life I have had the internal struggle of wanting to be more then just a kid from Brooklyn who stayed in the hood and hung out in front of the building. That was just my personal desire (not to degrade anyone else). I’ve struggled with the fact that I want to make money and make lots of it while living a spiritual life. Are the two contradictory? “No!” To take a quote from the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, “I believe GOD made the diamonds for his bunch, not Satan’s crowd.”

Have no guilt about wanting to achieving success. There is nothing glorious about poverty. I recall one of my mentors teaching me the honor in wanting to save the world, but being sure you take care of yourself so you can actually do it. You cannot help others if you are not in a good place to help yourself. BE the change you want to see.

I have a friend whose PhD work focused on African-American males not using their intellectual talents for fear of being considered “uncool” or nerdy. They sacrifice the full college experience in exchange for not “selling out.”

Unfortunately, they are actually “selling out” their full potential and experience(s).

Next time someone confronts you with, “You’ve changed” simply smile and respond, “the issue is not that I have changed, but that you have not.”

Affirmation of the Day: I make the necessary changes needed to be and have what I dream.

Question of the Day: What change can you make in your life that will have the biggest impact right now?

Your Ambassador,
Mike Bruny, CPCC
Certified Life Coach, Speaker, Author
Quarter Life Answers / Coming soon

Gone Digital:
Author of: "Move the Crowd: 30 Days of Hip Hop Affirmations To Change Your Life."

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