Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Are You on The Sidelines of The Game Called Life?

Are You on The Sidelines of The Game Called Life?

The end of the year is an excellent time to make changes to ensure that you are an active player in the upcoming year. The steps may be smalls, but you can get there. You have to start with the fundamentals. Start by creating new habits for success. How, you ask?

  1. List the old habits you want to get rid of
  2. List the new habits you want to take their place
  3. List 3 steps you will take to implement the new habits & a deadline for completion
It is very, very important to me as your Ambassador and Coach, that you select the position you want to play. The choices are plentiful, but if you are in the wrong position, even as talented as you are, your strongest skills may not be put to use. When your skills are not being used or your weaker skills are what the position requires most, you can find yourself in a position of feeling, well "dumb" for lack of a better word and demoralized. An analogy to make the point: "If you knew nothing about fish and saw one on dry land, you may think this creature was incapable and weak. Place that same fish in the water and watch is soar. The fish was not incapable or weak, it was just in the wrong environment and using the wrong skills."

What I suggest is starting with getting down to what I call, "Your Essence." This is taking a look at what you are already made of (not trying to recreate the wheel here):
  1. What were the moments in your life when you felt the most alive? The times when you felt like you were in the zone and nothing could go wrong. A time when you felt you were being used for meaning purpose.
  2. What really bothers, or disappoints you? (usually if you flip your answer upside down, you will find something you really care about that is being stepped on.
  3. Who are the people you admire and what traits do you admire about them?
  4. How would others that know you well at home or on the job describe you?
The answers from the four questions above will start to give you some insight into "Your Essence" or what some may call values. Sift through your answers for words that describe what is really important to you. You can prioritize your list and then rate them individually on a scale of 1-10 (1=I am not honoring this value at all; 10= You can just look at me and tell that this is something I am living). Once that is complete you have a place where you can do two things.
  1. Make important decisions based on what is important to you
  2. Create goals that are in alignment with what is important to you
If you follow the steps above, I guarantee a more fulfilling 2010.

Need Help? I'm here for you.
Sometimes we need a gentle nudge and other times we need a big shove. Let me be of service to you, through my "Your Essence" coaching program.

Get off the sidelines and Run the Point!

Your Ambassador,
Mike Bruny, CPCC
Certified Life Coach, Speaker, Author
Run the Point Enterprises

Gone Digital:
Author of: "Move the Crowd: 30 Days of Hip Hop Affirmations To Change Your Life."

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